The Preamplifier to End All Preamplifiers
This is the exquisite preamplifier that is built in two boxes, one for the power supply and one that includes a tube RIAA and the preamplifier. The tubes are all current source loaded and the pre is parafeed coupled to a 1010/1701b Sowter transformer. The tubes used are 5842/417 for the RIAA and EC8010 for the preamplifier.
The preamplifier pictured above is current source loaded and parafeed coupled to a 1010/1701b Sowter transformer, for the highest sound quality. There are two versions of this preamp, one with a pair of 5842/417 tubes for the made in USA tube admirers and one with EC8010 for the Made in West Germany product lovers.
This beautiful preamplifier with the Sifam Vu meters uses a pair of 417 / 5842 tubes that are parafeed transformer coupled for balanced output, there is also included a solid state RIAA pre. The pre was tested and performs dead flat from 20Hz to 25Khz.
This is another beauty, using a pair of 7788 tubes and it is transformer coupled with LL1671. Note that part of the power supply is in another box.
It also includes driver card with TL074 for the Vu meters and a phono RIAA pre with ICs for vinyl records.