We have to inform you that there is No Affiliation with the Russian company that snatched our Brand Name ‘’M-Amps’’ and trades solid state amplifiers. This kind of practice is also used by scammers trying to force you to buy extra sites with endings like .com - .cn - .ru or whatever.
It is of great importance that the iixo ‘’transformer’’ has to be away from the strong magnetic fields of the drivers, alternatively it should be magnetically shielded.
Two way concentric horn in Public Address system as used in a much beloved movie. IMDb
Lately I see many quacks selling boxes and other devices for earthing purposes, promoting a noiseless system. This earthing scheme is good and safe only for the school project: one diode & high-Z earphone, radio.
In case you want to complement your system with such an “earth” get ecological and buy a pot with a water-thirsty plant. Drive a nail in the pot and connected it to a wire, connect the other end to an earth post in your system.
PLEASE for no reason omit (cut) the ground from your system or your sockets.
Please note that in most places in the world the electric provider connects the neutral to the ground in the mains/fusses central panel, so the earth becomes ground.
If you feel restless and think that the noise in your system comes from the ground itself and not from your messy connections (ground loops), you could create a complimentary technical ground (just for your system) using the water pipe system in you place, only if you are sure that it is all metal and is connected this way to the local grid.
You could alternatively drive a bronze or copper rod 2cm thick and 1,5m long in you basement or garden in a moist place and connect the rod to your system with 3cm Ø, flat, tinned, braided wire (that was the Signal Corps way for field grounds during my time in service).
There are more elaborate ways for grounding schemes but you need to dig a large hole in the ground and burry a bronze or copper plate (2sq meters) and then fill the hole it with a pulverised mixture of carbon and marble (CaCO3).Please note that these grounding schemes have a limited life span.
Please also note that the connection of the braided wire to the ground device has to be done in a mechanical way like a copper/bronze screw or a collar.
TIP : NEVER BUT NEVER connect your ground in a lightning protection system if such exist.
To conclude, the best way is to ask a professional to instal and sign for the extra ground so someone will be in charge of the consequences following an accidental death.
Example of DIY Technical Earth
Bag full of non rare earth gravel forming DIY technical earth as recommended by the association of Electric Chair Executioners.
Such a setup will end, once and for all, the noise level in your head.
The JBL 2370A horn for the 2420 driver has been exchanged
with the excellent AH-550 AzuraHorn that improved the diffusion of the sound and the spectrum of the radiated frequency from the driver. The AH-550 horn is a hands down winner and trust me I have tried many horns used in professional PA systems.
In case that you’ve spend a fortune or less for your sound system and your hand is still itching for more expenses (AKA improvements) there is something I would recommend that can add value and safety to your system.
Recently I have done extended research and studied a lot of enhancers, purifiers, resonators, dummy earthing, demagnetisers, cookers, sticks and stones that promise magical results to your sound system. After in depth research and analysis I came to the conclusion that the best enhancer is the blue evil eye bead amulet that can not only protect you from the evil eye but also from stray radiation part of the known spectrum and from the one that is not yet discovered, it also enhances and refreshes you listening area.
Please note that the blue evil eye bead amulet existed long before the invention of electricity with great results for the believers.
A trick that I picked from my MW radio days is how to turn a stereo cartridge into a monophonic one.
Well it is pretty simple, you just have to short the cold right channel out to the hot left channel out (thus putting the coils in series), then you connect the hot right and the cold left to your mono amplifier/preamplifier.
Don’t forget to adjust the R-load accordingly.